Tag Archives: clean your desk

This week: I need a do-over

Not feeling very crafty or chipper.

Room still a wreck and finding it difficult to reorganize, yet again. 😦  Maybe I will just let it be for a bit; see if inspiration strikes me..or lightening.

There REALLY is a desk under here..I think,







Any-who I was visiting my favorite Swedish Blogger IHanna, and cannot help but be inspired! She is always in the creative zone and has a

wonderful shabby-chic affinity for all things creative, from art to collage. I remembered a piece of pink floral material that I had and decided to

recreate some of the £1.00 journals ‘I had purchased last year (aka as the “RACH” journal) These were A4 which was too big to fill, especially doodling;

so I trimmed them in half. ,made signatures out of them and coptic stitched them together:ANOTHER journal, lol

I used waxed light green binding thread, and the inside is lined with denimI have a pocket rescued from a pair of jeans that will be mounted on the inside.

Lastly, I have a thing for pearls.  When I find strands at the flea market or something, I save them hoping for that proverbial “one day” to use them. Last night, I was inspired to un thread them.

I put them into some little jars I had been saving, but when they looked really..un-glamorous,  I decided to spiff up the lids.  No flowers, ribbons or the likes, just a better looking top than the ones that

were visible.  The paper is from Crafty Individuals  pad of 6×6 called Background Papers, Book 1. I used my secret mixture of medium (ok, it is really all of the bottoms of the containers I did not want to toss out!) 🙂My trusty compass to encircle the paper (place point of compass in the center of the lid, extend and mark circle 1/2 inch outside the rim, cut fringe every 1/4 inch apply glue and fold over lids, VOILA! 😉


Filed under Artiste vanner, Master Crafters, The truth