Tag Archives: paper crafts

Using what I have, acting out verbs of action.

While I love and admire the talents of my artistic friends, sometimes, I am so in lust with what they have, I fail to utilize what I own.  I admire their meters of ribbons, laces, paper and or colors…their trays of paints, card and tools..The state of the art machines, tables, chairs, magazine subscriptions, travels…etc.

Anything accept doing my thing.

Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing the diversity, the artistry and the craftsmanship that goes into the creative process; but there comes a time for admiration to end and productivity to begin. I will never get better if I don’t try.

I don’t have an easel, ott light or fancy shelving. I waste more paper than I actually make something useable with.

I do have a surface (albeit, cluttered 😉 ), I have an inspiration board filled with cards and papers traded; photos to be scrapped and a photo of Queen Elizabeth II on the day of her coronation. I have two hands, sight and aside from looking for a job; access to the internet.  I turned off the computer, took out my instructions and started to work for a change. I say work, because I was serious about this. I am not the best at measuring and cutting, but I need a o.r. theater when I get down to business. lol.


I made a card secretary for my FIL’s 70th birthday (cards forthcoming)  The inside is actually covered also, 









I made journals for the Princess and I. Mine is for remembering Things and Ideas I Want to Try.  



First idea is to sort my paper by weights then approximate color groups. It was awful to have to find things that “go” together because I don’t have the whole line or kit. 😦

What are you doing? Are you kick starting yourself or waiting for inspiration to make a house call?   Part of my Annual Lie to Self (New Years resolution)  was that  I would  actively pursue my creativity     and not wait for it to make an appearance.  I drew my second eye, based on a YouTube video by Mark Crilley: How to draw a realistic eye.

I may be a tortoise, but I am splitting hares.



Filed under Art, crafts, The truth, tough economic times